Friday, August 8, 2008

4 years and counting :)

So today is mine and Jacob's 4 year anniversary. I know we're married now, and probably wont count our dating anniversary much longer..but right now we do :). I can't believe its been 4 years. Time really flew by. I look back at how long we were together when we did this, or how long were we together when we did that...its so funny! We were together for 2 and a half years or so when we got engaged, and then shortly after that moved in together. We celebrated our 3 year anniversary here in Texas and then planned a wedding!! (er, well we were together for like 3 and a half years when we started planning lol) Everyone has grown up!! I was only a teenager when we started dating, 19!! and Jacob was 21! We didn't even have Bailey yet..we hadn't even been together a year when we got her!! And the best part is that Hayden was only 2!!! OMG!! Jacob changed dirty diapers, helped potty train, sent him to pre-school, kindergarten, and now 1st grade!! Its been a wild ride sometimes, and I can't believe we ended up out here in Fort Worth, but I wouldn't trade what we have for anything. We truly love each other, and there is not hiding that! I can't believe those two kids who met 4 years ago ended up getting married!!!'s to many many more anniversaries!! :)

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