Thursday, August 27, 2009

Its Garage Sale Time!

I've made an official decision.

I'm going to have a garage sale to benefit Team in Training!!

Please Please Please let me know if you have ANYTHING you would be willing to donate! I'll need A-LOT. The timing of the event will depend on when you guys can get back to me!

In the past, I've had plenty of Garage Sales. The things that seem to go the fastest and bring in the most money are:
  • furniture
  • kids toys
  • baby stuff
  • electronics
Clothes, trinkets, books, ect allllll sell, you just usually have to price them low, so they aren't bigger ticket items.

If you have absolutely ANYTHING, clothes, books, anything you don't want and want to get rid of, just let me know. I'll even come to you and get it! Ask your friends, just let them know its all for charity, I wont be keeping ONE RED CENT for myself! 100% goes to Team in Training, and thus the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Running ryhmes with AWESOME

Just because you dont see it doesn't mean it isnt true!!

So this whole Team in Training thing is going FAN-tastic! I ran 4 miles today after a fairly frustrating past couple of weeks struggling to get 3 miles in. I'm telling you, this heat does weeeird things!!!

Tonight I'll give you a few of the things that happen to you when you start running. I figured, why make you wait? But since I dont have the time to put them all on here, I'll start you off with just a few! I'm sure I'll be finding more out as my miles increase as well, so dont worry, there is more in store!! (now THAT rhymed!)

1. Your, ahem, "stomach" does NOT like running. Well, mine doesnt. The first few weeks after I dive back in, I'm usually running home to run to the bathroom. Too much information?? LOL Well, its true. I even read an article about it. SO THERE!

2. As if that isnt bad enough. Underwear is not your friend. While it is an important part of the running/living life as a normal human being, it begins to have a love affair with places you dont want it to go. When you're in public. On the most public street you run down. And its awkward.
And you try and do the "I'm not picking my wedgie, but I really am" step, and that doesnt work for a variety of reasons I just cant get into.

3. When you have long toes, like me, you may suffer from the dreaded "black toe". Thats when you bust the blood vessels under your toenail, and then the nail dies because it doesnt have blood flow. So it falls off. And you're left with sheer awesomeness on your foot. Or not, you know, whatever.

4. If you didn't sweat before, WHOA BABY. You'll sweat now. So much so that you'll get little salt crystals on your face. Its nothing short of amazing. However, while it is technically salt, dont cook with it people. Thats just gross. I mean I know it's a recession and all, but that is just taking it TOO FAR. :)

OK that is all I have for now. There is more. I PROMISE.

Hope everyone has been enjoying the end of their summer. I know I am!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

In Training

We had our first training session with TNT yesterday morning. We only ran 2 miles with the team but we got our purple bracelets for having money in our account and we got our hats for having a 25 dollar donation or more within the first week! YAY Team!

The meeting itself was a real blast. I was my somewhat socially awkward self as usual. There may have been a couple of inappropriate jokes about my mom calling me special and letting me leave the house without my helmet...I also may have made some people slightly uncomfortable by informing them that my life has sucked for the last 2 years because I'm in law school...Ive got to work on my bitterness quotient, it was at critical mass on Saturday...possibly because I REALLY dont want to go back to school lol. I'm going to need to work on that..the whole not being socially awkward could make this whole attorney thing a little bit more difficult. lol. ANYWHO

I'm still thinking of more ways to make money. Maybe doing a bake sale at school? I'm not sure. If you have any awesome ideas, let me know, I'm open to suggestions. Although I do have my own restrictions...lets just say there will be no car washes in bikinis for me. No one needs to see mom and I are working on a cookbook to sell, but I can't be sure if that is going to happen until it happens, so I'm really concentrating on figuring out more ways to make money. I'm going to send out letters to friends and family in the next week, so hopefully you guys will come through! And my family too!!

Its all for a good cause!

The feeling of raising money and getting something done for those suffering with blood cancers, it really is an amazing feeling.

I'm going to link you guys to my go check it out..PLEASE

Here is a running photo I promised. I am going to take one with my TNT shirt..just not yet! I'll have to get one with my snazzy new hat too... :) white shorts..not so flattering. Even less flattering when they are a size too big. Awesome. I'll have to remember that next time.

If I ever get up the guts, I am planning a particularly hilarious post about the things no one tells you about when you start training or even start running for that matter. The things your body comes up with to tell you how much it hates you every step of the way is nothing short of a comedy of errors. Who knew a body could be so picky! I'll think about all the things I've learned and share them with you can remember me when it happens to you..and smile knowing you weren't the only one. :)

Hope you guys have enjoyed that nice bout of weather, I have a feeling its gonna be HOT HOT HOT again!