Friday, January 9, 2009

End of an Era

It's pretty much the official end of winter break. I start back on Monday, and I'm buying books tomorrow. LAME. There are large parts of me that do not want to go back. (and no, that was not a reference to the amount of weight I gained over the I know that it is a means to and end so to speak, but I friggin hate school. I've never breathed those words and had them be so utterly true. I always said "ahh I hate school, blah blah" .but I actually, until now, have always liked school. I enjoy learning new things, and thinking about things and trying to make sense of things. But now, I just feel like I'm beaten down. Things are thrown at me and I'm just grasping at very tall straws (and FYI, I'm short and do not have super human go go gadget arms...). I know I'll finish, I have to, there really is not choice other than finishing this little journey into the seventh circle of hell. I know I'll be charred when I come out the other end, but I'll be there! OY...I wish there was something that brought me to blogger land other than school!

Here is a pained effort at a recap of the last few weeks.

1. Visited Family in AL. Mostly a really good visit. By the time we left, it actually felt like it was time to go home. A rare occurence. But not a bad one, by all means. It was just time to get back to our life out here, our home. That sense of calm felt good. I saw my grandmother while I was out there...and that is an entire post to itself, when I can find the heart...It was one of the hardest things I've ever done.
2. I started reading some novels....of a particular nature.the Twilight series...I love it. Can't help it, cant explain it. Dont hate, and dont judge till you've read it. They are freakisly addicting. I will spend some of my day tomorrow and some of my night tonight reading the 3rd one. So far this break I have read 5 books. I start my sixth and final book when I mosy up to bed. Nothing too heady, mostly girly books, but all pretty much worth my time.
3. Saw Bride Wars tonight with my bestie. It was good...good to see a chick flick about best friends with yours..that never hurts!!!
4. Bought a KitchenAid proud. I got a little cash for Christmas, and added it with some Wedding money and bought that bad boy. Its gorgeous. I'll update you on how it turns out! I havent made anything YET..hopefully that will change soon!
5. Turned 24
6. Rocked out some Guitar Hero World Tour
7. Loved me some Wii Fit!! Thanks go Jacobs parents I can now be ridiculed by my gaming console.
8. Gained an inordinate amount of weight...and enjoyed every little bit. There is nothing like a Southern Christmas. Although next year...I'll try to not make it a 2 week eating extravaganza.
9. Spend quality time with the family...Hayden I miss my kiddo when I'm in school.
10. Last but not least..Joined a gym. I'm thinking that will be a weekly post on gym adventures...or far so good. Its not too expensive, I get a student discount, and I actually like the equipment. I plan on going tomorrow...We'll see.........

I hope everyone has enjoyed the last month...I know I have...I'm not ready for hell to start again, but alas, the sooner it begins..the sooner it ends!!!

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